BATCircle brochure available - check and explore
Visit our brochure online to find out more about BATCircle. This brochure provides a wide range of information about Finnish battery ecosystem, BATCircle consortiums and their research as well as European collaboration.
The BATCircle brochure includes all important information related to Finnish battery sector, BATCircle consortiums and their research as well as European cooperation. Ongoing BATCircle2.0 is the key focus, though the first BATCircle project is introduced as well.
Explore the brochure online here.
The BATCircle brochure was produced and designed by J/S Suomi and sponsored by the following research organizations (Aalto University, GTK, LUT University, University of Eastern Finland, University of Oulu and VTT) and companies (BroadBit Batteries, Mawson, Nornickel Harjavalta and Terrafame).